By Ruth Meyer
Humans have an
innate need to feel good about ourselves. We want desperately to believe that other
people make mistakes; other people need to change, but not us.
To be perfectly honest, there are parts of the Bible I’d rather not read. A few weeks ago, I read the book of James, and it was brutal. Controlling the tongue? Still working on that. Slow to speak and slow to become angry? Not by a long shot. Do I show favoritism to others based on outward appearance or economic status? Do I look for ways to live my faith in actions? Do I always do the good I ought to do? If you’re anything like me, you’d like to think you’re a pretty decent person, but the Law strips that facade away and leaves you for what you are—a poor, miserable sinner.
Ruth is living out her vocation as a Lutheran woman in the roles of sister, daughter, mother, and wife. Her greatest joy in life is living as a redeemed child of God, who has blessed her in her many vocations. Besides her human relationships, Ruth's other interests include music and writing. She is a church musician and has a special love for Lutheran hymnody. Her children's book, Our Faith from A to Z , and her adult novel, Grace Alone, are available through CPH. Ruth keeps her own blog at Her hope is that through her writing you are encouraged and perhaps even challenged in your God-given vocations.
You’ve shown
them, all these moments, that the phone is more important than they are. They
see you looking at it at while waiting to pick up brother from school, during
playtime, at the dinner table, at bedtime . . . .
Those words are
from the article “Dear
Mom on the iPhone,” which made quite a splash in 2013 when it was first
published. Judging from the number of shares I saw on Facebook, it struck a
nerve in a lot of people, reminding parents that they’re sending a powerful
message when they continually choose their phones over their children. I was
certainly convicted, because there are times when I get caught up in my own
phone, ignoring my children when they’re right in front of me.
Ah, but then came
the rebuttal, “Dear
Mom on the iPhone, You’re Doing Fine.” For good measure, more than one
response came out, all defending moms on iPhones, and it seemed that the more
rebuttals there were, the easier it was to dismiss the first article and the
twinge of conscience it produced. Moms everywhere breathed a collective sigh of
relief. See? I’m justified in checking my phone while my kids play! Don’t
judge me! The conscience-pricking article was replaced by the more
palatable message of the second. Of course some women use their phones too
much, but I probably don’t. Whew!

This phenomenon
has infested the Christian mindset as well. The Law seems very antiquated
indeed. Focus on God and His love instead. Sermons that speak of sin in
a generic way are okay, but let’s not get too specific. We squirm in the hard
pews if the pastor starts talking too strongly against homosexuality or
cohabitation. After all, we don’t want to offend anyone or be seen as unloving
and intolerant.
And what if the
pastor gets even more personal, aiming at sins that infect our own hearts and
minds, such as gossip, coveting, lust, hatred, bitterness, etc? How do we
respond? Do we flee to God in repentance, asking him daily for the strength to
battle against our sinful flesh? Or do we remind ourselves that we’ve been
forgiven and carry on with life as usual? Paul addresses this in Romans 6:1-2:
“What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may abound? By
no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” Indeed. Just because
Jesus has forgiven us doesn’t mean we don’t struggle with sin. And sometimes we
need to hear the Law in all its severity to realize how many of our own sins we
have learned to ignore. We dare not dismiss the Law or gloss over it by
thinking, Well, God knows I’m not perfect. I’ll always sin, no matter how
hard I try. The main thing is that I’m forgiven.
To be perfectly honest, there are parts of the Bible I’d rather not read. A few weeks ago, I read the book of James, and it was brutal. Controlling the tongue? Still working on that. Slow to speak and slow to become angry? Not by a long shot. Do I show favoritism to others based on outward appearance or economic status? Do I look for ways to live my faith in actions? Do I always do the good I ought to do? If you’re anything like me, you’d like to think you’re a pretty decent person, but the Law strips that facade away and leaves you for what you are—a poor, miserable sinner.
But who wants to
be reminded that he’s a poor, miserable sinner? Jesus died for our sins, right?
So why dwell on them? It’s absolutely true that we are justified 100% by Jesus
alone. But that doesn't mean that God does not continue to work in our lives,
calling us to repentance. When God spoke through Paul to the Romans and through
James to first-century believers, He was speaking to us as well. The tension of
a Christian is that we are both saint and sinner. And as such, God still uses
His Word to change us.
So the next time
you read a Bible passage (or even a blog!) that pricks your conscience, stop
for a moment to reflect. A guilty conscience can be God’s way of nudging you to
turn to Him for forgiveness and a change of heart. Rest in the assurance that
as His dear daughter, He will bless you with both.

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