By Heather Smith
I began to realize that people truly are
moved by sincere expressions of gratitude. Furthermore, like any other art,
writing such notes is not an innate ability, but rather one that can be learned
and heightened through thoughtful practice. Writing lovely, true, kind thank
you notes is good for author and recipient alike. It honors the gift-giver’s
generosity while training the receiver in graceful humility, and it ultimately
speaks to the value of human beings over material gifts.
Heather Smith is a pastor's wife in rural Illinois, prior to which she was a teacher in a classical Lutheran school in Wyoming and spent time in the Washington, D.C. area working on a master's degree in English. She has an abiding love for reading, baking, deep intellectual conversations, and persistent Lutheran matchmakers.
Three months of marriage is not enough to
hone expertise in most areas of married life, but it has sharpened my skill in
one small area: the writing of thank you notes. As of a few weeks ago, I had
written well over 200 of them in conjunction with my wedding. Being prone to
ponder deeply upon even mundane tasks, I naturally found myself musing over the
art of the thank you as I compelled my throbbing hand to scrawl out “just
one more” before resting. But what really made me contemplate this topic was
the number of people who thanked me for their thank you notes.

My habit of thank you note writing began
early under the tutelage of a mother who made sure I wrote a thank you note for
every Christmas and birthday gift. No doubt many of these were simplistic, but
in my high school years, thank you notes often became an outlet for my
burgeoning rhetorical skills. I remember one in particular, written in thanks
for a glass apple, in which I waxed eloquent about how viewing the bubbles
suspended within the glass inspired me to ponder the rare quiet moments that
seemed suspended in time . . . or some similar over-the-top philosophizing.
I expanded my habit of gratitude during my
college years when I made it my custom at the end of every semester to write a
thank you note to each professor under whom I had studied. Sometimes a small
card could hardly contain the effusive gratitude I wished to extend. Sometimes
I struggled to find anything both true and gracious to say in thanks.
The school at which I taught for many years
also deepened my convictions regarding thank you notes. At least once a year
all the students in the school wrote notes of appreciation to staff and
volunteers. This was generally a list of about twenty people, and in my early
years of teaching I resented “losing” so much instructional time for this
tedious task. However, I came to realize that these “lost hours” were in fact
more intense training in Christian virtue and habits than anything else I could
have taught. They were also opportunity to sharpen children’s writing skills,
although a few howlers inevitably slipped through despite teachers’ best
efforts—such as the note from a young student to the school janitor that simply
read “Thank you for toilets,” accompanied by appropriate illustration!
In my adult life, I have realized that
thank you notes provide a wonderful forum for honing my own writing skills.
Rather than churning out formulaic notes, I consider each to be its own three
to five sentence essay. I know that it is highly unlikely any of the recipients
will be comparing thank yous with one another, but I nevertheless strive to
make each note unique, changing at least a few words, even when offering thanks
for identical gifts.
Undoubtedly, I sometimes waltz into
unnecessarily grandiose verbiage, and at other times I stumble over an awkward
sentence opening that must be finished somehow or other. But so what? Thank you
notes are the perfect place for a little language experimentation because they
are simultaneously real in purpose yet also suitably ephemeral. They will
neither sit unread in stashed-away notebooks nor be scrutinized by others in
In my own practice with thank you notes, I
have collected a nice little kit of writer’s tools to color my notes with
1. Search for Synonyms
– One of the simplest ways to improve thank you notes is to seek out synonyms.
Start with the adjectives you are applying to the gift. Was it really just nice
or great or was it wonderful, fantastic, magnificent, terrific,
perfect, or so on? Remember, too, that synonym replacements needn’t be a
one-to-one word substitution. Find other phrases that will express basic ideas,
such as (instead of the inevitable thank you), I am so grateful . .
.; You were so kind . . .; It was thoughtful of you . . .; My heart is filled
with gratitude . . .
2. Use Multiple Sentence Types
– Once upon our elementary education, most of us learned the four
sentence types: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory. Here, at
last, is a solid, practical use for that knowledge! Using a combination of
sentence types perks up a thank you note immediately. For instance: What a
blessing you are! How could you have known last Tuesday that I was feeling
especially frustrated and in need of some cheering up? The chocolate you left
on my desk was heavenly. Please know that your little act of kindness made a
big difference in my day.
3. Create an Active Picture
– Rather than just expressing thanks for the physical attributes of a gift,
write from the perspective of the gift in use. Comment on how the gift helps
you, makes you feel, reminds you of the giver, and so on. Compare: Thank you
for the purple pen. It is so pretty, and my favorite color! OR Note the
lovely lavender ink in which this note is penned. It is thanks to your
thoughtful gift! I am smiling right now both because I love the luxury of writing
in purple and because this fantastic pen makes me think of you.
4. Shade with Humor
– Genuine humor warms the heart. Use a little hyperbole to describe how
desperately in need of the gift you were or (a junior high favorite) to imagine
how hectic life would be without the services of the note’s recipient. I have
even on occasion put my cleverness to the test in creating entirely
unconventional thank yous such as an “invoice” tallying up the value of all the
services a friend had rendered me.
5. Be Unerringly Truthful, Yet Also
Perfectly Kind – I never permit myself to write
something that is not true in thank you notes. On the rare occasions when one
receives a duplicate of the two-sizes-too-big chartreuse argyle sweater that
Aunt Mabel gave last year, this can strain the writing skills to the limits.
Gracefully skirt around the disappointing aspects of the gift and find
something nice to say. Have you ever felt a sweater so soft? Or could you thank
her for the time she put into making the gift? At the very minimum, you can
always thank the giver for his or her thoughtfulness.
Ultimately, thank you notes are a way to
cultivate friendship. Formulaic thank yous fulfill a social duty, but lovely
thank you notes flow from love for the gift-giver. No matter how precious the
gift that was given, it pales in comparison with the preciousness of the giver.
Thus, the art of writing gracious thank you notes is really the art of valuing
others as human beings. Each thank you note written with sincerity is a little
attack against selfishness and consumerism. Let’s fill the world with more of

I highly approve of this post! My mother also was strict about always writing thank you notes
ReplyDeleteWhat a good post! This is a lovely perspective on thank you notes. The suggestions are really great and I will definitely work on improving my own as well as my children's notes.
ReplyDeleteHere's a thank-you note for your article about thank-you notes! A hand-written note can mean so much. My grandfather and I exchanged letters for many years before he died. I treasure those letters and enjoy reading them now to my kids, who think it is neat to see his handwriting. Hopefully letter writing will not become a lost art!
ReplyDeleteYes! My parents taught me to write thank-you notes, and I'm teaching my kids to write them as well. Next time they complain about it, I shall dig up this post and read it aloud to help them (I hope) understand that Mommy is not making up the need to write thank-you-notes.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Love this post :) my dear mother taught us to write thank you notes. Thank you for this wonderful post.