By Rebekah Thielen
“God works through people, in their ordinary stations of life to which He has called them, to care for His creation. In this way, He cares for everyone--Christian and non-Christian--whom He has given life.” Gene Edward Veith
Rebekah spends her days living life alongside her husband and children. She enjoys reading, homeschooling, and every once in a great while, chasing after the wind.
“God works through people, in their ordinary stations of life to which He has called them, to care for His creation. In this way, He cares for everyone--Christian and non-Christian--whom He has given life.” Gene Edward Veith
It is vital in
our callings as caregivers to respect the fact that we are finite. We need
regular times of restoration for our minds, bodies, souls, and morale. It isn’t
always possible or practical to completely get away or get a break from our
responsibilities. We can, however, create a more sustainable way of life as we
learn to weave refreshment and renewal into the fabric of our daily lives.
There are many ways to do this, and each woman’s way is going to look different
depending on her family, personality, and season of life. Here are ten
suggestions to get us thinking on guarding against burnout by fostering inner
and outer peace and rest.
1. Consider Cutting Back on Coffee
Please don’t
throw your coffee at me for saying this. I love coffee. But I’m
also realizing that even though coffee has become the cultural power drink of
mothers everywhere, it doesn’t necessarily serve as the best fuel for the
marathon that is motherhood. Coffee may taste and feel good in the morning, but
caffeine can actually end up draining your body of the much needed energy and
mental clarity required for the rest of the day. Coffee for me also exacerbates
my tendency toward anxiety and increases the sensation of feeling on edge. How
we begin our days is important. Try starting the day with a clear and lighter
liquid, like water with a bit of lemon juice squeezed in. Carry it around in a
mug to sip on whenever you’re thirsty or get a craving for coffee. A half-lemon
can usually be squeezed enough times to last an entire day (better the lemon
than your adrenal glands). Enjoy a cup of coffee every now and then, but give
it a try as the exception, not the rule.
2. Pay Someone to Bag Your Groceries
Consider taking a
break from Aldi. It’s true the lemons are significantly cheaper there. If you
are blessed to have an Aldi nearby, you know what a difference it makes in your
grocery bill. There are times and seasons in life, however, where money may not
be the most important thing to save. If you are able to spend a little more
money at the closest Schnucks, Wal-Mart, or County Market, do so without the
guilt that initially comes when you see the receipt. Thank the Lord for His
provisions and thank the baggers and cashiers for their help.
3. Create an Atmosphere
Beauty brings
life to the soul, both in the creating, and the beholding. Sally Clarkson,
author of The Life-Giving Home, recently wrote on her blog, “Beauty comes about from someone who
took the time to craft it, and the crafting adds dimension and pleasure to our
lives, even as God did when He created the world in all its splendor.” Have a
place in your home that brings you peace and delight simply because of its
beauty. It could be an entire room, but even a small corner is all you need.
Beauty can be as simple as keeping a yellow daffodil on the table, or a
colorful candle burning bright on the piano.
4. Invest
in a Dinner Bell
The less you use
your voice, the more valuable it becomes. Every shout and repeated announcement
or instruction uses up energy, and also causes frustration, which uses even
more energy. Communicate well the first time. When breakfast is ready, ring the
bell. When lunch is ready, ring the bell. When supper is ready, ring the bell.
I don’t want to make promises I have no ability to keep, but I’m going to go
out on a limb with this one. The bell will make you happy every time the kids
come running, and every time you’ll be amazed, you only had to ring it once.
5. Get
Up and Move
Has something
like this ever happened to you? You’re sitting on a shaded park bench under a
tree, watching your children play and thinking, “Gosh, I wish I had their
energy.” Are children active because they have energy, or do children have
energy because they are active? It’s probably a confusing physiological
combination of both. As aging adults, we aren’t going to have the same energy
levels as growing children, but they do have a way of keeping us young. Swing
on the monkey bars. Go down the slide. Push a baby in a swing and laugh at how
happy she is.
6. Rest When You’re Tired
Nap/quiet time
used to pose a daily dilemma. Do I sleep when the baby sleeps, or do I use this
time to get something else done? I chose based on what I felt was the more
pressing need in the moment. I no longer have a choice. Sometime midday, my
body tells me it will go no more until it rests. It depends on the day. Some
days I need to take a 20-45 minute nap in the afternoon. Other days I simply
need to stop and sit down for an hour or even two. Resting allows me to
recuperate from the morning, relax in the afternoon, and recharge for the
remaining evening ahead.
7. Use Technology Wisely
There is a time
and a place for using technology. If it is neither the time, nor the place,
then there’s no need. Good use of technology will serve your neighbor and aid
you in your work and relationships, not take away or distract from them. This
is the first generation of parents responsible for wading through and managing
the incredible amount of addictive technology now available for public
consumption. There’s no instruction manual telling us how to do this, and there
are no experienced elders to ask for advice. You’re on your own with this one.
All I will say is don’t be ignorant and don’t be naive. Discipline starts with
your own heart and body. You cannot teach what you do not already know or
8. Adopt a Secret Chore
responsibility for a chore nobody else would want or care for. Do it without
complaining or grumbling. Don’t expect or hope for anyone to notice or
appreciate you for it. Do it because it’s the right thing to do. No chore is
too small. At one point, I chose to change the bathroom hand towel every
morning. Even if I was unable to accomplish any other noticeable or lasting
endeavors that day (besides caring for my children), at least I knew the
bathroom hand towel was clean. Work is rewarding: for you, and for your family.
9. Know Your Weaknesses
At certain times
of the day or month, I am prone to more negative thoughts and feelings. Guilt,
worry, fear, and anger are colossal wastes and misuses of energy. Throw aside
these heavy weights. In Christ, God has graciously given us means to release
these burdens. When a troubling thought attacks your mind, or you feel
overwhelmed with life in the moment, heed the words of the famous hymn, and
“take it to the Lord in prayer.” As baptized children of God we are also called
to be self-controlled. Self-control doesn’t ever get easier, but we can become
better at it, as we seek to form new habits and rely on the Holy-Spirit, our
Helper who helps us in our weaknesses (Romans 8:26). Sometimes it feels like
I’m holding back the weight of a freight train. I can’t always control whether
or not the surge takes place inside me, but I can control whether or not I stop
the train, or whether I allow myself to run somebody over with it. “Always be
humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each
other’s faults because of your love.” (Ephesians 4:2, NLT).
10. Keep Watch Over the Time
Fighting against
the established laws of nature is a surefire way to crash and burn, if not
right now, then definitely later. The setting sun is the signal we are nearing
the day’s end. Pay attention to signs and signals. If you do stay up late, let
it be for a worthwhile reason, such as caring for an infant, soothing a sick
child, catching up with a visiting friend, or keeping your spouse company as he
drives through the night toward your family vacation destination. Sleep is a
priority. Go to bed when you get the chance.
Energy and sanity
are precious commodities for a woman. We cannot do it all. We are going to have
to make choices on how we spend our time and lives, doing so in a way that
builds up our household, considers the needs of all involved (including yours),
and allows for the elements that truly matter. Ivanka Trump, in her recent
book, Women Who Work, says one of the principles she carries through all
aspects of her life is to “work smarter, not harder.” The Holy Spirit-inspired
author of Ecclesiastes shares a similar thought, saying, “If the axe is dull
and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has
the advantage of giving success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Success on this
side of heaven is not going to look like success in the world’s eyes. It may,
more likely, look like nothing much at all. It will look like faith.
But ponder this
idea of sharpening your axe. Examine your life and look for areas in your
day where you are needlessly extending yourself in a way that is not helpful.
Cut out useless spending. Ask your husband or close friends for input or ideas.
You may be surprised to find that an idea or suggestion you thought would never
work actually works and benefits you. Find camaraderie with women in similar
life seasons, but don’t limit yourself only to those who get what your life is
like. Some of the greatest advice and encouragement I have ever received has
come from people who have lived very different lives from mine. By hearing and
listening, we become better equipped to love and care for others in our lives,
and likewise, we simultaneously open up a way for others in our lives to love
and care for us as well.

This is a wonderful post that has stayed with me over the past few weeks. Especially the idea of secret chores. I don't know exactly why, but going, "this is my secret chore!" makes doing those things that nobody else does or cares about so much more fun.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the excellent suggestions! I have also adopted a secret chore, and I'm absolutely going to invest in a dinner bell. I completely agree with your second suggestion to pay someone else to bag groceries. I used to take my young children with me to the grocery store, which for us is half an hour away. After a good hour at the store stocking up for our family of seven, the kids were at their limit, and so was I! So I started ordering groceries online and doing curbside pickup. So. Much. Easier. I don't even have to take my kids out of the car. We pull up and they load everything into my trunk (for free!). Plus it eliminates impulse buying, so I'm saving money that way. I definitely recommend online ordering. It's been a sanity saver for me.