Sometimes readers send us questions about which they would like to talk to other Lutheran women. Today’s question is,
"If you were to pick a book (other than the Bible) that strongly influenced your faith and your understanding of what it means to be a Lutheran Christian, what would it be? What is it about and when did you read it?"
Several SDMW authors shared about the books that have most influenced them. What else would you recommend? You can chime in via the comments.
Alison Andreasen (Alison
loves that since its beginning, Lutheran Christendom sought to maintain truth
in whatever context Christians found themselves. Believers live their lives
with reverence to God, humility toward one another, and boldness as God's children,
seeking and receiving forgiveness as they go.)
In college, I read, "Spirituality of the
Cross," by Gene Edward Veith. It speaks on many aspects of the
Christian faith such as vocation, the means of grace, justification by grace
and more. Specifically, I recall the section on the theology of the cross
being mind blowing to my young, Bible-belt-raised brain.
Alison Schroeder (Alison
studied Christian Thought in college and is now a wife and homeschooling mother
of four children).
I attended Lutheran parochial schools, and so I have
clear memories (from later elementary school and middle school) of time spent
listening to, reading aloud, internally memorizing, copying by hand, and
verbally reciting bits and pieces of Luther’s explanations of the Ten
Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer (in particular). Those words
have stuck with me to this day, reinforced by numerous faithful pastors and
teachers. Probably no book, other than the Bible itself, has had that profound,
lingering, and salutary an effect upon my thinking and my belief, and I am very
grateful for it!
About midway through high school, I was driven to
study Lutheran theology more intently. Around that time, I was introduced to
two works that helped clear up my confusion almost instantly: Walther’s theses
on Law and Gospel (via the book, God’s
No and God’s Yes) and Luther’s Heidelberg Theses. I then read through
the following books in succession: The
Spirituality of the Cross (Veith), which introduced me to the Lutheran concept
of the hiddenness of God and His work via means (in vocation, in the
sacraments); Sanctification:
Christ in Action (Senkbeil), which provided some needed clarity on the
doctrine of Sanctification and a whole host of related issues (the sacraments,
worship, American Evangelicalism); and Just
Words (Preus), which laid out (via numerous impactful illustrations) the
doctrine of Justification in all its depth and richness.
While at college (yes, a Concordia), I was introduced
(for the very first time!) to living, breathing, so-called “Confessional
Lutherans,” who directed me at once to the Book of Concord. I read through bits
and pieces of it in the course of my studies and in an informal BOC study group
on campus, but never felt the need to sit down and go through the whole volume
cover to cover. I’m finally doing it now, though, and enjoying (and benefiting from) it tremendously! It’s been very helpful for me to see first hand how
Lutheran doctrines are drawn from Scripture (references abound!), and then to
see and consider how the doctrines interrelate and build upon each other. I was
even introduced to some new (to me) concepts and wonderful food for thought
(like, for example, that bit about “eucharistic sacrifices”).
Kaitlin DeYoung (Kaitlyn
is a pastor’s daughter, vicar's wife, baby boy's mother, and the "president
emeritus" of the Carnegie Mellon University chapter of Lutheran Student
Fellowship of Pittsburgh. She enjoys apologetics, music, travel, and naps.
Kaitlyn's neglected blog is Pottery in Progress.)
One book that influenced both my faith and my understanding
of what it means to be a Lutheran Christian is The Defense Never Rests by
Craig Parton. My campus pastor chose it as the book to guide our semester’s
study of apologetics (the defense of the Christian faith) during the first
semester of my junior year of college (fall 2012). Apologetics is an extensive
subject that can sometimes demand a significant amount of mental effort, but
Parton’s treatment was accessible without being narrowly-focused or simplistic.
It covers two main types of apologetics: apologetics for the “tough minded”
(more focused on logical arguments) and apologetics for the “tender minded”
(more focused on culture, art, etc.). I thought it was a great as a standalone
book in your pursuit of “always be[ing] ready to give a defense to everyone who
asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15), or as a stepping
stone to books that explore apologetics in more depth (as it was for me).
The book influenced my understanding of being Lutheran mostly because it
approaches apologetics in what I learned to be the distinctly Lutheran way—it
encourages readers to not get caught up in side issues, but to focus again and
again on Christ, because believing in 7-day creation won’t save a person, but
believing in Jesus will. Additionally, Parton tells the story of why he decided
to convert to Lutheranism from evangelicalism, and he speaks of how important
it is for Lutherans to retain their liturgical heritage, instead of trying to
mimic evangelicals’ style of worship. My campus ministry group read the first
edition of the book, but the newer second edition includes even more of
Parton’s cogent critique of shallow pop-spirituality, as well as new material
that addresses the latest topics in apologetics. If I’ve piqued your interest,
it’s well worth taking a “look
inside” and then grabbing a copy from CPH!
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