Laura Vandercook
was watching an episode of Fixer Upper on Netflix the other day when the
husband described a house in this way: “It is in our budget, works for our
family, and makes my wife happy.” You wouldn’t think that a little comment like
that would catch much of anyone’s attention. It is such an ordinary way of looking
at things, perhaps even too simple for television. However, it is in a
statement like this that we see the male headship of the family working well.
The husband cared so much for his family that he made sure that they were both
well taken care of and that his wife was happy.

eldest daughter came home from school one day asking her little sister what she
wants to be when she grows up. It is such a typical question to ask children,
but it is one that comes with more baggage than we often recognize. When my
youngest child answered that she wants to grow up to be a mom, the older
daughter asked what else she wants to do. Here we see that feminism has
ingrained in us the idea that being a mother and wife isn’t good enough, that
these vocations are beneath us. The implication is that if the different jobs
of a husband and wife are placed on a scale, and if they do not equal each
other, that somehow someone is less human or less important to the family and
even to society.
seem to think that women can and should do everything that men can do, and that
men can and should do everything that women can do, but this is just not the
case. Men and women were created to be different. Man is not given headship
over woman to dominate her. No, he is placed over her to love, care for, and to
protect her, even at risk of his own life. Woman is not placed under the man to
be overshadowed or ignored, belittled, or hurt, but she is placed there for
protection and to be the recipient of the love and care of her husband.
so my husband and I continue to talk to our daughters and our son. We help them
to see that it is good to be married, to raise children, for the wife to honor
and respect her husband and for the husband to care for and to protect his
much of the world looks at children and sees them as a burden, we can look at
marriage and see that God has given us a wonderful place to raise up children.
It is a place where a mother is free to love and care for her husband and
children under the protection and care of her husband. It is a place where a
husband protects and cares for his family as he provides a safe and caring
environment for his family to bloom and grow.

Image source.
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