By Rebekah
Life is fertile
ground for marriage conflict.
The thorns. The
rocks. The birds and the bees. Days go by. Years go by. The man and woman
trudge along, East of Eden, choking down their doled out lot of sweat and
sorrow. Bodies wear and hearts grow callous, more and more unable—and
unwilling--to walk with one another, to walk toward one another. The farther
down the road they get, the more they hurt, the more they ache, the more they
mourn what was, what is, what never shall be this side of heaven’s shore.

But then the sky
opens. Heaven tears apart the veil, the thick covering of hopelessness and evil
deeds, exposing the darkness. “Fear not,” the angel says, For behold, I
bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be for all people.” But how
can this be? After all the ways we’ve failed, everything that’s happened,
everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been through. How can this Joy be for
all men, all women, all children, all those running fast and furious from the
Light of Light?
God tells us how.
For unto you is born this day, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
The promise rings out on a Bethlehem hillside. He is here! The King of kings has risen! Newborn lungs exercise a prehistoric
authority. The bleeding Mary soothes her child. A dragon hits the
ground. Demons fall on their face. O Holy, Holy, Holy night! Sorrow and sighing flee away for the earth is once again full of His
glory. Peace on earth and mercy wild--God and sinners reconciled! The miracle of reconciliation—this is what your marriage begs for. This is what the earth cries out for. This is what the angels sing
She who has an
ear let her hear.
The Lord exhorts
wives to respect and submit to their husbands. As a woman it can be hard to
know what submission looks like and how a man defines respect. But upon giving
us ears to hear the Word, the Spirit also gives us a heart to understand. The Prince
of Peace pursues the common ground. By coming down to earth, Christ humbles
himself, being born in the likeness of men. Perhaps a woman begins her
approach to her husband, not by understanding his manhood, but his personhood,
his humanity. Your husband is a man. The man is human. He has a human nature.
He has a deep and primal need that hasn’t changed since the day he came forth
naked from the ground, naked from his mother’s womb.
He needs another.
The story goes
like this--For God so loved the man he gave a woman. For God so loved the world
He gave a Man. The Son of God submits to the womb, the skin, the birth, the
pain, the cross.
Christ submits.
He moves toward us. He comes to us.
Christ submits
because He cares. Care says your life has value and inherent worth. With my
actions I can say to my husband, “You, my love, are worthy of care. You are
worthy of life and breath and all the wonders this world has to offer. You are
worthy to be fed and touched and held. You are worthy of attention, of
admiration, of all my heart’s deepest affections. You are worthy to be spoken
to, spoken for, to be praised and sung over by the gentle voice of Yahweh.
You are worthy for you are redeemed and beloved in the sight of the
Christ submits.
He moves toward us. He comes to us.
Christ submits to
bring us comfort. Comfort comes to ease our suffering. Comfort gives hope to
disperse our despair. Comfort comes and speaks the most beautiful and healing
words the man has ever known, “Your sins are forgiven.” Comfort submits to
serve alongside and ease the burden. Comfort says I will wash your feet, pick
up your socks, eat at your table, laugh at your jokes, hear you out, bite my
tongue, kiss your lips, give you my body, and speak no more of your sins.
Comfort says go and sin no more, weep no more, sigh no more, grieve no more.
Our union is restored. Man and wife are one again, friends again, lovers again.
Christ submits.
He moves toward us. He comes to us.
Christ submits to
give us courage. Courage says we don’t have to be afraid anymore. Courage
assures Joseph he needn’t be afraid to take Mary as his wife. We fear not what
love requires—even obedience unto death--for Christ has risen and our lives are
hidden with Christ in God. We needn’t be afraid of failing—for Jesus finished
the work on the cross giving us the glory of His eternal inheritance. Courage
leads us to acknowledge and confess the sin residing and warring within our
members. Courage forsakes the way of old Adam who threatens the fidelity and
life of a marriage. Courage isn’t giving in--courage is giving and asking
nothing in return.
O Joy to the
world! The Lord has given us His one and only Son. God walks with us
again for Christ submitted His life to the will of His Father and the arms of
His mother. Submission paves the way for reconciliation. Submission pursues the
path to peace, to comfort and joy. Submission displays the image of God to your
husband--to the world--that the Word of God may not be mocked. Dear wives, most
beloved in the Lord and fellow heirs of the grace of life, trust in the Lord
with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Love your husbands.
Respect your husbands. Submit to your husbands, and behold, a great and mighty
Submission paints
a picture of Christ’s love for His Bride.
Your marriage is the Lord’s fertile ground for the Gospel.

Image: "Kurzes Verweilen" by Laurits Andersen Ring, 1908
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