
May 29, 2015

Hanging Out With Babies

We're hanging out with some babies today. This year, quite a few babies have been born to ladies who have authored SDMW posts. We thought it would be fun to introduce some of these tiny Lutherans and hear about how they already fill a unique role in their families.

Samuel (son of Ruth Meyer)

My name is Samuel, and I was born on Ash Wednesday this year. I am living out my vocation by teaching my brothers and sisters patience in sharing Mommy's attention. I also give my brothers an opportunity to learn how to change diapers and hold a baby, which Mommy thinks will serve them well in their vocations when they become fathers someday. I also remind Mommy to keep her priorities straight and to make time for the things that matter most. Most importantly, I am living out my vocation as a child in God's kingdom through my baptism into Him.

Adeline (daughter of Diana Yaeger)

Adeline Grace was born May 14th, 2015, on the Feast of Ascension. What a day! Yes, certainly the birth of our daughter, but I was referring to the day Jesus Ascended into heaven. We can be tempted to look at this day as when Jesus went far away and mistakenly wonder how to get to Him. Instead Jesus Ascends so that we need not look to ourselves, He brings humanity to heaven by His human nature and from there He sends the Counselor, the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit was sent to Adeline a few days after her birth at her Baptism; she did not need to ascend to get to Jesus, she was given all she needs. This is her vocation: recipient. So much so that her very being is a picture of faith that Jesus gives us (Luke 18:15-17; Matthew 18:1-5) . She is fed, burped, washed, changed by her parents. Her station in life reminds us of what we are before our heavenly Father. In matters of faith our gracious God does everything for us. Happy birthday, Adeline! And happy Ascension Day to everyone: the Lord brings humanity to heaven, carrying all for God's dear children.

Anders (son of Kezia Nielsen)

Hello, I'm Anders. Today I filled out my vocation as small three-month-old person in the most natural way possible. I believe it really helped Momma look at things on the bright side. Instead of grumbling about the inconvenience of cloth diapering, mom rejoiced in the fact that the gigantic stinky I left for her was completely contained. For the first time since switching diaper strategies she was truly thankful for the gift of cloth diapers.

I also helped her to be thankful for sleep. After almost a week of restless nights I let her really sleep. It made her realize that God does provide what we need exactly when we need it. 

The gift of comfort is something God also helps me give to my family. I flash my mega-watt smile at them just when they're feeling low and they can't help but respond with joy. I help them to heal from the loss of my brother who would have been five months old if he had not gone to be with the Lord. I help them to be thankful and humbled by the gift of life. I am daily helping my mother to learn organization. With me to care for, she must keep things orderly so that my older brother doesn't completely trash the place. There are many ways that God blesses our family through me. I am small, but God's work is great. 

The greatest gift that God has given us is the death and resurrection of His Son. On my baptism day three months ago, I was marked as His child. My family can look at me and see more than just a stinky diaper and a fussy child. In me they can see a redeemed person, so small, but loved by God. I remind them that they are also His Children. There's no greater gift than that!

Martha (daughter of Aubri Hale)

Martha has been a great blessing to our family. In the few weeks that she has been with us her brothers and sisters are learning many things; how to take turns holding her, to share Mama's lap and to be independent by helping themselves when Mama is busy. She also has given her siblings an opportunity to come to a peaceful agreement about just who she really likes. After some arguing, they amicably resolved that she in fact likes all of them. And Martha has provided her eldest sisters the chance to feel so grown up and proud when they carry her across the room or feed her her bottle. She gives her Mama and Daddy a long list of ways to show love to her and to one another. Her Mama is especially thankful that God has put her in our family to teach her to die to her own sinful desires and follow Christ who humbled Himself and became a servant for our sake so that we too might learn to serve and love others.


  1. All cuteness! Love it! Maybe next you need to feature some kids who are graduating and going off to college, if you have any! :)

  2. This is great! Thanks be to God for these sweet blessings.


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