
Nov 14, 2014

Have a Blog? Join our Advent Link-up Party!

Advent is the beginning of the church year. It is a time of preparation and penitence. A time of purple vestments. A time of wreaths, candles, and hymns like, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” It can also be a time of trying to keep Christmas at bay until its own proper and joyous season.  

For people like me who did not grow up celebrating Advent as a distinct season in the liturgical year, it is exciting to hear about how others celebrate it. How do you remember Advent as an individual? How do you incorporate it into family life? How do you teach your children about it? How do you explain it to your extended family or to people on the street?

We are running this party before Advent begins so that, should you be inspired by anyone else’s ideas, there will be time to implement them. You can add your link anytime today through Christmas Eve.


  1. Cool idea for the blog. I love link-ups because I like finding new blogs or old post from blogs I now read.

    1. Me too! I hope you'll add a post of your own to the link-up.

  2. Great idea! Quick question.... Is there a specification for only Lutheran blogger entries? I'm Reformed and would love to enter my Advent post.... But I understand either way. :)

    1. Hi Heidi, we'd be happy to have you join us. Thanks for sharing, and have a blessed Advent!

  3. Oh! And if it helps, here's my link if you'd like to check it out before replying: Again, I understand either way....and blessings to you in this season of Advent!


  4. Thanks! And I'm much enjoying your blog. :)

  5. Yep. I messed up. Pretend the link to my blog says, "Auntsy in Advent." Not "Aunsty." Sorry.


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